Friday, 11 December 2009

New shoot with Mamiya RZ67. Trying to make images for a more positive side to the project. Trying to match images to some of the quotes / facts that I found. I looked for people who seemed to exude a positive outlook but did not fit with typical conceptions of "beauty".

Quick attempt to see how some of these images might work with the text etc. Could use these as a kind of positive end to the set of images,.. after the more negative, distorted Holga stuff.

Mamiya RZ67 shoot

Images from the first couple of shoots with the medium format camera.

Mini Darkroom Experiments

Some images of the mini darkroom I set up under my desk in my bedroom to experiment with making some little prints outside of Uni.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Homemade prints from medium format camera shoot

Some miniature prints from my first shoot on the Mimaya RZ67 Medium Format camera. Getting to grips with using the camera and experimenting with how the style of image varied from the Holga images.

The first film was shot in the garden using Vicky as a model,.. using similar shots to those I had done before but trying to vary the perspective and scale as suggested in my crit. This was much easier using the Medium Format as it allowed me to get up close which the Holga did not. The second shoot was in the park,.. based on some of the quotes e.g. "the waist size of a size 0 skirt is the average size for an 8 year old girl".

I developed the negs today but had no time to print so decided to try printing some at home in a little darkroom experiment under my desk using an angle poise lamp. I really like the resulting images, the size and format has a really nice feel to it. Will try to print some of the images properly tomorrow in the darkroom.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Supposed to be finding a positive angle to this campaign...  proving more difficult than I thought.. the stats are all pretty depressing.. lack of anything hopeful. Shows that the campaign is worth while but makes giving it a positive edge more difficult.

May have to use more vague statements rather than stats.

Use with clearer images? style of image promotes more positivity?

Need to experiment with medium format!

Statistics / Quotes research

In 1970 the average age of a girl who started dieting was 14; by 1990 the average dieting age fell to 8.

A study found that women overestimate the size of their hips by 16% and their waists by 25%, yet the same women were able to correctly estimate the width of a box.

The “ideal” woman - portrayed by models, Miss America, Barbie dolls, and screen actresses - is 5’5, weighs 100 pounds and wears a size 5.

Young girls are more afraid of becoming fat than they are of nuclear war, cancer, or losing their parents.

30% of women chose an ideal body shape that is 20% underweight and an additional 44% chose an ideal body shape that is 10% underweight.$file/Key+Facts+about+Body+Image+pdf.pdf

Anxiety, depression; obsessive behaviour; social isolation; irritability; suicidal tendencies; eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia, excessive dieting; lack of assertiveness; guilt; self-dislike; and impairment at school are all symptoms of the affects of negative body image in young people.

One in ten anorexic sufferers is now male and recent research indicates that this figure is an underestimation

Most fashion models are thinner than 98% of American women.

The average woman spends 2 1/2 years of her life washing, styling, cutting, coloring, cramping, and straightening her hair at home and in the salon.

The incidence of bulimia in 10-39 year old women TRIPLED between 1988 and 1993.

Despite its prevalence, there is inadequate research funding for eating disorders. Funding for eating disorders research is approximately 75% less than that for Alzheimer’s disease. In the year 2005, the National Institute of Health (NIH) funded the following disorders accordingly:

The body type portrayed in advertising as the ideal is possessed naturally by less than 5% of females

The average weight of a model is 23% lower than that of an average woman; 20 years ago, the differential was only 8%

- 10 way to positive body image

Count your blessings, not your blemishes.

Eating disorders can be treated and sufferers can return to a healthy weight. The sooner these disorders are diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome will likely be.

the typical waist measurement on a size zero skirt or dress is just 22inches, which is the average for an eight year old girl.

However, 94 per cent of women over 50 believe it's time society changed its attitude to ageing and the perception of beauty

Some 34 per cent feel that traditional images of beauty leave them feeling self-conscious about the natural ageing process.

nine out of ten UK women over 50 believe they are too young to be considered old.

A new study found three quarters of women believe that ageing is too often hidden, rather than celebrated, in the beauty world.

Seven out of ten of today's over 50's are still happy to wear a bikini, with four out of ten still happy to go topless on a beach

82 per cent of women think turning 50 shouldn't be a reason to stop having long hair

98 per cent still wear make-up and 96 per cent of over 50's still enjoy a pair of killer heels. A quarter (24 per cent) of 18-24 year olds believe that it's not appropriate for mature women to show cleavage but almost nine out of ten (87 per cent) over 50?s believe they can still flaunt it.

The authors found that over the thirty year period the number of 70 year olds of both sexes reporting sexual intercourse increased: married men from 52 percent to 68 percent, married women from 38percent to 56 percent, unmarried men from 30 percent to 54 percent, and unmarried women from 0.8 percent to 12 percent.

A woman's face is her work of fiction. ~Oscar Wilde

Let us leave the beautiful women to men with no imagination. ~Marcel Proust,Albertine disparue, 1925

Tuesday, 8 December 2009



I was recommended to look at his work as he uses a lot of masks and disguises in his work and his work challenges our perceptions of beauty. His work is also strongly affected by the style of printing he uses,.. using film and darkroom techniques to create an old and dark feeling to his work. This is similar to the feel I have created through the use of the Holga.

"Finding beauty within the grotesque, Witkin pursues this complex issue through people most often cast aside by society -- human spectacles including hermaphrodites, dwarfs, amputees, androgynes, carcases, people with odd physical capabilities, fetishists and "any living myth . . . anyone bearing the wounds of Christ." His fascination with other people's physicality has inspired works that confront our sense of normalcy and decency."

"Joel-Peter Witkin lets us look into his created world, which is both frightening and fascinating, as he seeks to dismantle our preconceived notions about sexuality and physical beauty. Through his imagery, we gain a greater understanding about human difference and tolerance."

"Much of discomfort arises because Witkin’s subjects (excluding his very earliest and very latest images) usually wear masks, eye-coverings, or false faces. In doing so, he denies us the signal indicator of personality –the countenance—only to replace it with another. What’s seen, what’s felt? Irreconcilable duality existing in a single entity."

His work reminds me in many ways of Diane Arbus,.. he as the same fascination with people on the edge of society who might have been seen as "freaks". He confronts us with the things that we tend to avert our eyes to and through doing so exposes our fascination and questions our conceptions and acceptance of "normality" and "beauty".

He also makes a lot of references to past works of art by the old masters,.. and like this reference to Kertesz.

Feedback from Interim Crit:

- - Need to work on adding a positive element
- - Progress from blurry holga images to clearer close up(?) images... try medium format camera
- - Could show progression through time - story board - from distortion to clarity, old to new, negative to positive,... change in colour tone??
- - Try different / more quotes/ statistics...  some positive. Put a twist on some quotes?
- - Try different pattern? Maybe not polka dot?

- - Definitely use book idea

- - Research - Joel Peter Witkin

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Interim Crit - Mock Book and Posters

Posters printed on sugar paper,.. include images and quotes about the negative effect of the media on self perception and body image, and the tag line - "promoting healthy beauty"

Mock up of a promotional book for the Body Shop campaign. Includes images and a couple of pages of information about what the campaign is about and how to get involved. Style in keeping with website design and also use of polka dot pattern and black and white images to create the impression of a return to the past.

Interim Crit - Presentation

-Website Design

-Front and back page of book

-Book pages

-Book pages

-Campaign support items

-The Body Show

Presentation of my work so far for Interim Crit.

Body Shop Website Design

So I wanted to make a website for the Body Shop campaign as I thought it would be an interesting way to promote the campaign and to begin to tie all the elements of what I have been doing together. I wanted a relatively simple site design but one with impact that reflected the idea of the return to the original 70s style of the Body Shop. I introduced the polka dot pattern which was also in some of the images as a recurring pattern through the site and as a symbol of the campaign,... appearing in the booklet and also on the campaign support items such as bow and wrist bands. I also created a page promoting the "Body Show" which is my idea for an exhibition of work on the theme of Body Image,.. promoted by the Body Shop.